Do you have a college student heading back to school soon? Believe it or not, it's that time of year again to start planning the return to campus! Wouldn't it be nice to not have to worry about the endless list of things to do to get ready for the fall semester? Let Life In Order Organizing jump in and help take the burden of back-to-school shopping and organizing dorm room or off-campus housing so that your student can dive right into their back-to-school routine. Go ahead….stay down the shore and let us take care of this for you!
Life In Order Organizing can handle all back to school shopping for student's living spaces such as: • Bedding, bath, kitchen and laundry related items • Clothing and shoe storage • Cleaning essentials • Decorative and fun items • Organizational and storage needs • Stocking your pantry and cupboards • School supplies • Full install and setup of all of the above as needed!
Imagine coming to school with just your clothes and personal items to a space that is ready for you! What a great way to start the school year being able to jump right into your classes, reuniting with friends and making the most of your year. We are offering a great discount for all students heading back to Neumann University, Widener University, Swarthmore College, Haverford College, Bryn Mawr College, Villanova University, St. Joe's University, Rosemont College, Arcadia University and all surrounding schools.